Tuesday, 8 December 2009


I seem to have got behind in my posts. Apologies to my happy band of followers!

The last week of November was a trifle hectic with the final run up to the Pantomime. I got totally absorbed in this - rehearsals, set build, performances.

Here is a weblink showing photos from the Dress Rehearsal. It tells the story just fine.


See if you can spot me..... the cross-dressing principal boy in fishnet stockings (silver) and the elegant court wig and tricorn, otherwise known as PRINCE CHARMING.

It was great fun and not such a large part as to be too exhausting - which was just as well!

Not too much was done that week, in the way of preparing for Kerala.

I always knew the Panto would be one of the hurdles I needed to concentrate on and negotiate well, before I could let my mind be distracted by all things Indian again.And it is now successfully passed providing great pleasure all round.

I must share with you that I did wonder, originally, whether it was wise to commit to this production given the journey I was planning ahead.

But looking back on it, I can see that it provided me with a steady focus in the here-and-now to balance all the planning and living for the future. It also allowed me effortlessly to keep in regular contact with my friends and chat about developments in a casual way. These catch ups always happened in the pub after rehearsal and were very helpful and encouraging. I thank Glena and Marion in particular for their support during this time.

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